Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 10

This week was good.

We really only have two investigators. The Ramirez kids! The parents are members. Sister Ramirez speaks English fluently and Spanish as well. Brother Ramirez is a recent convert. He is from Mexico and speaks okay English. Anyway, They signed up to feed us a few weeks ago and their 8 year old daughter, Miguela, and 10 year old son, Oscar, said they wanted to get baptized. So, we started teaching them. They are both doing really great! Oscar reads the book of Mormon every day. Their baptism is scheduled for this saturday, So I will report on it next week

A lot of the families here will feed us, so we get to know some of the families. Because we are Spanish, we cover 6 wards. It's basically the entire north half of the stake. One of them is of course the Spanish ward, but the area covered by that ward is like 3 stakes. So our portion of that is 5 English wards. That means we get fed by one of the 5 english wards or the spanish ward. We haven't had anything to exciting... We did get fed spam wrapped in rice and seaweed, kind of like a California roll. it was weird.

On a slightly more exciting note, I started wearing suspenders yesterday!... to church. It was funny because one of the English elders that is over the ward that we went to was wearing them too! His name is Elder Richardson, we call him Elder Richie, and him and his companion live in the apartment above us. I wan't actually surprised because I was wearing his other suspenders...
But, It was funny because I don't know how many people have come up and told me that those suspender really "work" for me, or something to that extent. So, I may have to wear them more often. Our president is really great about them and doesn't care if we wear them.

Anyway, I always appreciate mail!

Elder Hendrix
1008 W Sanetta
Nampa, ID 83651

Thank you for all your continued love and support!

Elder Hendrix

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