Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Out of the MTC

is my first week in the field!

But, because several people have asked for more information on what the MTC is like, I'd like to talk about the MTC so that you have some idea as to what I had to deal with there.

The first week in the MTC was a little rough. I had two sisters as a companion, there were no other elders to talk to in my district, The only other district was preparing to leave. I finally got my companion, but it was still a little overwhelming. 

My second week, I was asked to help welcome the new district that would be coming in that week (they were reporting just a week after me). I was given a list of who all would be coming and where they were serving. I began planning with some of the other leaders but was invited to "take control" of it. 

I welcomed these other missionaries and saw miracle after miracle from the moment I met them.

I knew from the list that there would be an Elder Hendrickson coming. Naturally, there were lots of jokes about how my son was coming to the MTC. I was really hoping that he would be cool and that he would have a sense of humor so as to continue the joke, or at least that we would laugh when I told him about it. I ended up deciding not to tell him because I didn't want him to think I was weird.
We picked them up in their classroom Wednesday night. I introduced myself to each of them and shook their hands. as I met Elder Hendrickson, he said "so.... are you my dad then?" The Lord answers prayers! That joke continued during throughout the course of the MTC.

Their district leader was Elder Wallin. He went out of his way to help me fix issues in the zone on a regular basis. He is so patient that it was easy and natural for him to help people along side me. His zone had the most amazing unity I ever seen in any group of people. As I got to know Elder Wallin, I came to understand why that was. 
Elder Wallin and Elder Hendrickson ended up functioning a lot like a first and second councilor to me as a zone leader. They jumped in to help without being asked at any time that they could. I grew close too these two awesome missionaries over the course of the MTC.

Elder Nicol (pronounced nickel, like the coin). I think we were taking a picture one time and I was holding him up, I let him go and expressed my apologies to everyone for dropping a nickel (nicol). He had an amazing spirit of optimism in everything he did. He always had a smile on his face. His companion was Elder Lybbert. Elder Lybbert has an incredible voice! He also has an amazing ability to sing just the right song at just the right time. I'd ask someone if they were doing okay, and from across the building, having no connection to me or the question, he's start belting because of you! I'd asked someone if they liked the MTC food and he was singing What doesn't kill you makes you stronger from the next room over! I dropped my roll into my bowl of soup and he started singing that song from titanic even though he was clear across the cafeteria. That guy can listen to the spirit like no other!
Elder Mendenhall was Elder Hendrickson's companion. He would go out of his way to make sure that everyone felt included. He would grab the people at gym that didn't want to play volleyball and go run with them so that they wouldn't have to be alone. Elder Mendenhall had a huge heart and tried to make everyone around him feel loved. 
Elder Lakey struggled with some health challenges while in the MTC but he always kept a positive attitude! He knew the scriptures frontwards, backwards and sideways. He was there with a perfectly applicable scripture for any issue you could possibly be thinking about. 
Sister Jones had to put up with some tough things that were completely beyond her control. Sister Gneiting also had some struggles. It took me a while to realize how similar these two are. they were perhaps the happiest, sisters I have ever met! They never let anything cause them to have a bad day! They would take their trials and instead of turning inward and feeling bad for themselves, they would go around and make sure that everyone else was having an okay day. It was funny to watch how far they came as a companionship from the beginning! They were great and I enjoyed being able to work with both of them

Anyway, this was just one of the three districts that I had so that you have an idea of what I had the privilege of working with. Elders Hendrickson and Mendenhall were called as the new zone leaders. Apparently we're keeping it in the family! They are both great leaders and will do an awesome job.

It was difficult saying goodbye to the group I was in at the MTC with, but they will all be amazing missionaries. I know that with this group, I was standing with the army of The Lord. I witnessed tender mercies again and again within this group. I watched them grow spiritually and become even more amazing people than they were before they arrived. It was such a blessing to be a witness to that!

We already have our reunion planned for two years from now :D

Several of the Elders got up early to see me off yesterday. I am now in Caldwell, Idaho. My companion is great. We went tracting for the first time last night. We gave away two copies of the Book of Mormon and had two doors slammed on us. It was great!

As always, you can send me letters:

Elder Hendrix
1008 W Sanetta
Nampa, ID 83651

More details from the field to come next week!

Elder Hendrix

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