Monday, September 21, 2015

This week was fun!

Hey everyone!

This week was fun.

We had a zone conference on Tuesday with Elder C. Scott Growe of the seventy. 

Afterwards, I ran into two of my favorite missionaries! In the photo is me, Elder Homer and Sister Hawn. Elder Homer is a Spanish missionary in my area that has been helping me with Spanish, and Sister Hawn is another Spanish missionary with whom I was best friends in the MEXICO MTC back in January!

Elder Homer, Sister Hawn and Elder Hendrix
We got a baptismal commitment from a lady named Guadalupe that has been taught on and off over the last few years! We're planning on the first weekend in October for her.

This has been a good week. As my mission draws to a close, it has been fun to try and make the most of every day!

If any of you would like to re-read my previous emails, they are on my

I can't thank you enough for all of the help and support you have sent me! 

I will send an email out next week to report on this week, and a final one once I get home.

If you would like to send me a letter:

Elder Hendrix
1008 W Sanetta
Nampa, ID 83651

Te Amo!

Elder Hendrix

Monday, September 14, 2015

Cow tongue and stray cat: one I ate and one just sat.

This week was pretty fantastic.

I tried some tacos con lengua... Or tacos made with the tongue of a cow... it tastes like roast-beef, but it is really chewy, almost like taffy chewy. It was weird.

We had another ward party on Saturday. This one was to celebrate Mexico's independence day! This ward knows how to throw a party! I attached a photo wherein you can see all of the decor and preparation that goes into our ward parties! There was a TON of food! We have an awesome family, the Rodriguez family, that cook like you cannot imagine! They brought like a 15 gallon pot of this food called Pozole! It was AMAZING. 
There was dancing and lots of music and tons of people! It was awesome!

A great ward party in Caldwell to celebrate Mexico's Independence Day.

Pozole. Amazing!

There is a stray cat that has decided that our doorstep is its new home. It makes a screaming-like noise all night. I was surprised it didn't just leave... until I realized the other missionaries are feeding it...

This week Elder Homer and I are making cinnamon rolls with a member to take to some of the members of the ward that are having a rough time, so that will be a blast I am sure!

In other news, The disease that sent me home from my mission several months ago has returned. I was informed last week that I will be returning at the end of this transfer, in about 2 weeks. While I am disappointed, I am so very grateful that I had the privilege of being a full time missionary and furthering the work of The Lord. It has truly been amazing to be able to represent Jesus Christ in everything that I do. 

Thank you all for the support that you have given me! I can't even count how many miracles I have seen and how many times I have seen the result of each of you keeping me in your prayers!

The Spanish-speaking missionaries: Back row left to right: Elder Homer,
 Hermana Hernandez, Hermana Stadler, Hermana Moss, Hermana Vujich,
Elder Hendrix.  Front row left to right: Elder Agguire, Elder Muniz, Elder Morrow

If you would like to send me a letter, My address is
Elder Hendrix
1008 W Sanetta
Nampa, ID 83651

Have an awesome week!

Elder Hendrix

Monday, September 7, 2015

Awesome times in Walmart

This week was awesome! My mom's hairdresser's family lives up here and they dropped by HOMEMADE biscuits and tomato soup on a rainy and gloomy day this week and it was AMAZING!

This week was in like the 60's! Having grown up in Arizona, if it's under 85, it might as well be zero because I am freezing! My companions are from Utah so they are used to it! We walk into a house and they are both wearing short sleeve shirts and I'm wearing long sleeves and a jacket and people scratch their heads and wonder what's going on and one of my companions will say "he's from Arizona" and they say "oh!" and completely understand... and laugh.

We did exchanges with some English missionaries. I went with Elder Saunders. We knocked on a door of a gentleman that hasn't been to church in years and asked if he'd come to church and he said yes... That was miraculously simple. Then as we were walking, we went into a gas station to buy some drinks and the clerk just gave it to us! He said he served in Tucson, Arizona!

The Benitas family came to church again! I will have to get a picture with them because they are great! It's so awesome talking to them! We get along so well!

One day this week, my companion was going to get a haircut, but the barber was out to lunch. So my companion remembered that he needed to go to walmart and get some cash back so that he could pay for a haircut and so off we went to walmart! We walked in and a lady ran up and asked if we could come teach her. We got her info. Then when we were paying for our groceries, a woman rushed up and paid for all of it! She said that she has a son serving, and is hoping that someone will offer to buy his groceries! That really is a BIG deal to us and means a LOT when someone is willing to buy our groceries! Then, when we were leaving, a man walked up and asked how he could start getting the lessons from us!

Two referrals and an awesome member from a 15 minute trip to walmart!

It was a great week! 

Elder Hendrix
1008 W Sanetta
Nampa, ID 83651

Elder Hendrix and Elder Morrow in Walmart.

Monday, August 31, 2015

I'm Elder "End-ree"

This week we had a stake conference for one of the two stakes that we cover. Elder Baxter of the seventy came and spoke. He was hilarious. He is Scottish and has a very thick accent. He would say things that were hilarious and then not even crack a smile which made it even better. He did an adult session on Saturday night which was really great, then the Sunday session turned into mostly calling random people up to bear testimonies. It was good, though. I got my picture with him.

Elder Hendrix with Elder Baxter of the Seventy

We did some service in which we helped a woman clean her house. After which, I split off and went with Brother Allred, a ward mission leader, that each week puts his lawn tools in his truck and drives around and mows lawns for anyone in the STAKE that may be in need. For example, one was a family with a parent in the hospital, another had a father with a broken leg, etc. This ward mission leader ALSO has a full time job that he does this service around. What an awesome example of service and of missionary work!

All the spanish speaking people here pronounce my name funny. The letters "h" and "x" are not really pronounced in Spanish, so it sounds like "end-ree" and I've apparently gotten used to it because someone pointed out that I started introducing myself to people as Elder "endree" instead of Hendrix. 

Feel free to send me a letter!

Elder Hendrix
1108 W Sanetta
Nampa, ID 83651

Have a great week!

Elder Hendrix

Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 14: Now we are a trio

On Tuesday we got a call that we were going to be taking another missionary and becoming a trio. His name is Elder Morrow and he is from Utah. He spent 6 weeks in the MTC learning Dutch so that he can serve in Belgium/the Netherlands, but his visa didn't come through, so he'll be with us until it does. It's kind of difficult for him because he knows no Spanish at all, but he's doing okay.

Transfers were this week, I didn't get transferred and neither did my companion. 

I've been praying for help with my Spanish... This week, a missionary named Elder Homer got transferred into our zone. He is Spanish speaking as well, and he has spent a lot of time over the last week helping me with my Spanish which was awesome! He helped me study Spanish for most of the day on Saturday while my companion went to a district leader training. That night, I went to visit an inactive family and I understood EVERY word they said and I talked to them for about an hour, almost entirely by myself, because of what I had learned from Elder Homer! We connected really well and we talked about Mexican culture and how colorful everything in Mexico is, just like my socks. Then, the next day, THEY CAME TO CHURCH!

Unfortunately, our president made an announcement this week that we can no longer wear suspenders or crazy socks... so no more of that.

That's all that happened this week!

Please send me some mail!

Elder Hendrix
1008 W Sanetta
Nampa, ID 83651

Have a great week!

Elder Hendrix

Monday, August 17, 2015

Week 13: The big fire

This was a pretty slow week. Not a lot happened...

There is a large fire that is burning over here. It's about 20 miles from me. The buildings and trees that are difficult to see in the picture are only a quarter mile away from us. The smoke is even more dense than it looks in that picture. We had a few companionships get evacuated, but I believe that they have all been able to return to their homes as the fire passed by or changed direction. 

That is basically the highlight from my week. We have a LOT of parties with the members of the spanish ward. It's crazy! I think we had 3 just last week. A two year old had a birthday party and they had a few hundred people there! It's basically everyone on the ward list plus their families! It's funny because we only get about 30 people for sacrament.

That's all that happened this week!

I need some good ideas for suggestions or programs to get the members into missionary work! I am putting some flyers in the programs next week for all 6 of my English wards with pictures of the missionaries (English and Spanish) that cover their ward. I would like to put a list of simple ideas of how they can be "member missionaries."

Also, I am working with the Stake Young Men's and Women's presidencies to try and get the youth more involved with missionary work, so if anyone has seen or has any ideas for activities or programs that would help in that regard, please let me know!

I really enjoy receiving those handwritten letters:

Elder Hendrix
1008 W Sanetta
Nampa, ID 83651

Have a great week!

Elder Hendrix

Monday, August 10, 2015

Week 12: A painted fence and flat tires

This week not much happened. We taught Oscar and Migueli the last of the lessons.

Yesterday my companion and I did a split with another companionship. That way he could go to the spanish ward and I could go to one of our 6 other wards. It turns out that the ward I went to was having ward conference that day. As the third hour approached, I felt that we needed to attend the combined young womens and young mens class. So, we did. The stake young women's presidency taught the first 20 minutes or so, leaving about 30 minutes for the stake president's councilor to speak. He walked up and said, "Elders, please come up here." So we walked up to the front and he asked what one piece of advice we would give that group. Then someone had a question, then he had a few more questions and we ended up being the entire lesson. We sat down and he closed with his testimony saying that he had an entire lesson planned but that he felt that he needed to have us speak instead and that he now knew that that is what he was supposed to do. It was really good, but I had a feeling that was going to happen.

The only other thing that happened last week...

We picked up another pair of elders and went to help the sisters to paint a fence for one of their investigators, Chuy, while he was at work. We spent a few hours painting, until we ran out of paint, then everyone left. We had to park about two houses down. As we walked to the car, the owner of the house we parked in front of angrily asked why I parked in front of his house. Apparently we had a metal box in his front yard that had a small for sale sign on it and when we parked, we were blocking that... So, I apologized, we were getting in the car and one of the other missionaries pointed out that we had two flat tires... My companion decided we would drive on them anyway. We drove about 6 feet and he changed his mind. 

We called a local company to come and air up our tires. We waited for about an hour when this gentlemen's neighbor came out to make sure we were okay. None of these people are members. She explained that she saw him let the air out of our tires and called the cops. She also had some other descriptive words to say that I will keep to myself.

Anyway, we continued waiting another hour or so for our car to get fixed, and then the investigator who's fence we were painting came home and he aired up our tires.

Please send me some letters!

Elder Hendrix
1008 W Sanetta
Nampa, ID 83651

Thank you for your continued support!

Elder Hendrix